Sunday, January 31, 2010

Whats The Strongest Norco What Drug Is Stronger Hydrocodone 10-325 (norco),or Percocet 5-325 (oxycodone)?

What drug is stronger hydrocodone 10-325 (norco),or percocet 5-325 (oxycodone)? - whats the strongest norco

While it is technically a higher dose of the drug given is hydrocodone oxycodone acetemetiphin with the same amount of both. However, it is becoming increasingly popular oxycodone, morphine, if he comes back. I would say that it helps ease the pain percocet more, because the drug itself is stronger.


muffinhe... said...

Hydrocodone is a Schedule 3 narcotic, is a program Percocet 2nd
Expect two more narcotics control.
Sooo Percocet is stronger.

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