Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Future Minivans What Does Buying A Mini-van Have To Do With The War In Iraq?

What does buying a mini-van have to do with the war in Iraq? - future minivans

... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/con

Clifton, Va.: Warren, my wife and I are planning a truck in the near future. I like the idea of the Mazda5 - a true "mini" van - but since it basically a Mazda3 from wider seats and more metal. How pitiful low power 5?

Warren Brown: Ah, Clifton, what do you mean by "low power"? For many people, the 153 hp offered by the Mazda5 is sufficient. For others, it is not. Again, you can go to hell in jail or 153 hp car as fast as possible one of the places can get something with more power. My thing is: Power to tax. The more you'll pay more for it. In a world that seems fair that only want some of us, especially in military uniforms, pay a high price to secure oil for the performance of the rest of us. Or do you want with the myth that we are fighting for "freedom" in Iraq?



abdulnon... said...

Minivans have to buy more space for bombs in cars, each mini-van in America, is not so much that terrorists use, was to kill American soldiers in Iraq.
But we have as to the Fort Dix plot careful it was discovered that we have verified that the terrorists are among us, so that instead of gun control, control of the minivan should be. At least that would be the constitutional reform, because no fundamental right in the mini-vans, are there weapons.

Stony said...

This guy thinks that this exercise their right to show off the characteristics of the oils used unnecessarily when we are at war and gas prices are high, they are simply for their own benefit. Since he also believes that the war in Iraq is more freedom from oil - that millions of Americans also believe - which means that the rich buy their toys, with the blood of American soldiers who were spoiled, especially in the middle, working and poor classes. He has a point. If you want to support the troops, why do not you leave the car perfectly without fuel?

Not agree with his reasoning is not necessarily stupid, but was immediately rejected because they have the courage to explore and develop an argument against intellgent sure you make a fool.

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