Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Boys 21 Birthday Card Verses Soon To Be Ex Says That He's Going To Shut Off Utilities...?

Soon to be ex says that he's going to shut off utilities...? - boys 21 birthday card verses

He left me and the children after 21 years (I know it sounds like a broken record on this point, but I just wanted to) to memory. He left for an extended period and do not give us money. I have a lawyer and filed for divorce. Now, said the newspaper, he can not cut any program before the divorce. Today he asked that we not say, he refused to give the map of the birthday of my eldest son. It was not his birthday, because they vacation with friends. Now he returns to town, everyone is busy. We are a company and requires less and, more importantly, he wants to know me, he will take the boy with him this weekend. Well, to start the children are afraid of him. He was offensive in many ways, even physically. Well, I tAge, he could not go home and see the kids all the time gives me a lot in advance. Now, he says he will cut the phone and the remaining profits after the first month. What if it really? If he is obliged to re-enable. I'm worried.


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