Monday, January 25, 2010

Wired Silk Ribbon Why Are Pearl Necklaces Strung On Silk Thread? Could They Be Restrung On Wire Without Injury To The Pearls?

Why are pearl necklaces strung on silk thread? Could they be restrung on wire without injury to the pearls? - wired silk ribbon

Pearls are very soft and easily damaged. NAChR are formed around the inclusion of a charming, typically a grain of sand in the oyster.

To limit the damage and the beads correctly the drop of a beautiful piece of jewelry, you should always have a string beads onto the cord and between the individual nodes.

However, if you have a cheap piece of jewelry with pearls and other accounts, including glass beads, a cable from SoftFlex also Accuflex etc. .. Glass beads are much more durable than freshwater or cultured pearls, which are often dyed or colored, and make bracelets and awarded necjlaces.


heavenbo... said...

The double-knotted silk thread protects its pearls.

Kacky said...

Wire or monofilament looks through the beads. In addition, silk allows to determine the weight of the beads, as it brings to crash.

Mysteri O said...

Pearl necklaces are drawn on by a thread, because the holes in the beads are very small, and each pearl necklace is secured by grinding any time. Thus, if the chain breaks, the pearls will not roll. You can not really do that with the wire. E silk is very strong.

Mysteri O said...

Pearl necklaces are drawn on by a thread, because the holes in the beads are very small, and each pearl necklace is secured by grinding any time. Thus, if the chain breaks, the pearls will not roll. You can not really do that with the wire. E silk is very strong.

Mysteri O said...

Pearl necklaces are drawn on by a thread, because the holes in the beads are very small, and each pearl necklace is secured by grinding any time. Thus, if the chain breaks, the pearls will not roll. You can not really do that with the wire. E silk is very strong.

Liz Rich said...

Natural pearls are on a knife edge, so tense that he could cover very well. Friesen son're simply not as liquid drops smoothly. The silk thread is a knot between the pearls at a small distance between the balls and offer them from the driver after the Pearl disadvantages.

You can use a very small diameter wire for stringing line, but they will not hang properly, and cause more of these beads, which contacted for the next bead.

Pearl Jewelry said...

Normally with a double silk thread, beads are strung, of course, you can string wire less than 0.8 mm. Our freshwater pearls, drilled with holes of 0.8 mm in size.

Normally, the pearl bracelets can be hung on the wire, you will see two images:

NONAME said...

I use a heavy gauge nylon, like fishing line. This should work fine.

starrwoo... said...

Thread? Never use wire with beads

laurel g said...

If the string of pearls, with silk thread, because I like the pearl, and a way to keep the beads in the chain ........ Of course, knots between each pearl. Like other gems can be "pearl box", so that you can. A string of pearls on the thread does not seem reasonable. When you speak, worship, pearls cheap ......... The situation is different.

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